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Edwin is a banker-turned-actor, who received his Master of Arts in Musical Theatre (Performance), graduating with distinction from the world-renowned Royal Academy of Music (RAM) along with the LRAM teaching diploma in musical theatre. He was trained as an actor at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts (HKAPA), receiving a BFA with first-class honour. He also holds a first-class business degree from The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. In 2018, he was awarded The Hong Kong Scholarship for Excellence and the title of "Hong Kong Scholar" by the Hong Kong government.


While training at the HKAPA, the tri-lingual actor (native in Cantonese and fluent in English and Mandarin) has performed internationally in both straight plays and musicals, in Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia, and Austria. Edwin made his professional debut in the musical Czechmate when he was in year 2. In 2016, he performed as the eponymous lead role in the academy production of the musical Pippin, directed in Hong Kong by Michael Strassen. In 2017, Edwin went on an exchange to the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts and performed in a rehearsed reading of Titanic the musical, playing the role of Harold Bride. Edwin received two Outstanding Actor Awards for his performances in the academy productions Who's Afraid of Lord of the Flies and Offending the Audience respectively.


Upon graduation, Edwin went on to receive further training at the Royal Academy of Music in London. At the academy, he had the opportunity to learn from many of UK's top musicians, coaches and directors, including Daniel Bowling, Chrissie Cartwright, Bruce Guthrie, Mary Hammond and Anne-Marie Speed. He even had the honour to attend masterclasses by Patti LuPone and Imelda Staunton. Edwin performed in no less than six projects and productions, most notably for his performance in Cy Coleman's City of Angels. He played the movie-crooner Jimmy Powers who "oozes confidence" (Musical Theatre Review) for half of the run and sang the vocally challenging jazz harmonies as Angel City Four in the other half. 


Edwin recently appeared in Disney in Concert: Magical Music from the Movies as one of the four featured singers. He now pursues an all-rounded acting career and has been a resident actor at Chung Ying Theatre Company in Hong Kong since April 2021.

從銀行界轉型到演員的尹溥程,以優異成績畢業於英國倫敦大學皇家音樂學院,獲頒音樂劇(表演)碩士及LRAM(音樂劇)教育執業文憑。他於香港演藝學院接受演員訓練,獲戲劇藝術(一級榮譽)學士,此外早年畢業自香港科技大學,擁有環球商業(一級榮譽)學士。2018年他獲香港卓越獎學金,並獲授予「Hong Kong Scholar」名銜。


演藝學院受訓期間,尹溥程曾演出正劇及音樂劇,表演足跡遍及香港、南韓、澳洲以及奧地利。他的第一個專業演出是劇場空間《布拉格1968》,當年他二年級。2016年,他於學院製作的音樂劇《Pippin》中飾演男主角,由英國導演Michael Strassen執導。2017年代表學院前往西澳表演藝術學院交流,於音樂劇《Titanic》讀劇中演出Harold Bride一角。在學期間,憑《誰怕蒼蠅王》及《侮辱觀眾》兩度獲頒「傑出演員獎」。


畢業後,他遠赴英國皇家音樂學院繼續訓練,期間接觸過不少英國殿堂級的音樂家、老師及導演,包括Daniel Bowling、Chrissie Cartwright、Bruce Guthrie、Mary Hammond及Anne-Marie Speed等,另曾出席Patti LuPone及Imelda Staunton的大師課。受訓期間,尹溥程曾參與大小演出不下六個,最具代表性的是於Cy Coleman作品《City of Angels》的演出。他於一半的場次中飾演歌手Jimmy Powers,劇評 (Musical Theatre Review) 形容他的演出「散發自信」,而另一半場次則以四重唱Angel City Four的角色演唱難度甚高的爵士和聲。


近期於《Disney in Concert: Magical Music from the Movies》音樂會中擔任四位主唱之一,劇場演出有中英劇團《科學怪人.重生》及《她生》。現為英國演員工會(Equity UK) 註冊演員。2021年4月起任中英劇團全職演員。

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